Anthony William

& his books

The originator of the global celery juice movement

Devoted to helping people heal from chronic illness and disease.

Anthony William, the originator of the global celery juice movement and #1 New York Times best-selling author of Medical Medium Cleanse to HealMedical Medium Celery JuiceMedical Medium Liver RescueMedical Medium Thyroid HealingMedical Medium Life-Changing Foodsand Medical Medium, was born with the unique ability to converse with the Spirit of Compassion, who provides him with extraordinarily accurate health information that’s far ahead of its time.


Since age four, Anthony has been using his gift to “read” people’s conditions and tell them how to recover their health. For over 30 years, Anthony has devoted his life to helping people overcome and prevent illness – and discover the lives they were meant to live. What he does is several decades ahead of scientific discovery. His compassionate approach, which takes into account well-being on every level, not just physical health, has time and again given relief and results to those who seek him out. His unprecedented accuracy and success rate as the Medical Medium have earned him the trust and love of millions worldwide, from all walks of life who couldn’t find a way to heal until he provided them with insights from above.


Anthony has also become an invaluable resource to doctors who need help solving their most difficult cases.

Official website

Medical Medium Books


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In his first revolutionary book, the New York Times bestseller, Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal, he opens the door to all he has learned in over 30 years of bringing people’s lives back: a massive amount of healing information, much of which science won’t discover for decades, and most of which has never appeared anywhere before.

The book reveals the root causes of diseases and conditions that medical communities either misunderstand or struggle to understand at all. It explores all-natural solutions for dozens of the illnesses that plague us, including Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, hormonal imbalances, Hashimoto’s disease, multiple sclerosis, depression, neurological conditions, chronic inflammation, autoimmune disease, blood sugar imbalances, colitis and other digestive disorders, and more. It also offers solutions for restoring the soul and spirit after illness has torn at our emotional fabric.

 Whether you’ve been given a diagnosis you don’t understand, or you have symptoms you don’t know how to name, or someone you love is sick, or you want to care for your own patients better, Medical Medium offers the answers you need. It’s also a guidebook for everyone seeking the secrets to living longer, healthier lives. ‘The truth about the world, ourselves, life, purpose – it all comes down to healing,’ Anthony William writes. ‘And the truth about healing is now in your hands.’

If you don’t take care of your body, where are you going to live?


What You’ll Learn in the first book: Anthony William shares revolutionary insight—much of which science has yet to discover—into the reasons we suffer and how to finally heal from more than two dozen common conditions: ADHD – Adrenal fatigue – Autism – Autoimmune disease – Candida – Chronic fatigue syndrome – Depression and anxiety – Diabetes – Digestive disorders – Epstein-Barr virus – Fibromyalgia – Leaky gut syndrome – Lupus – Lyme disease – Menopausal symptoms – Migraines – Multiple sclerosis – PTSD – Rheumatoid arthritis – Thyroid disorders – Vertigo and tinnitus ….And more


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Despite advancements of modern medicine and technology, we are not getting healthier. There’s more chronic illness, and each generation is worse than the one before. We are at a point where we must know how to protect ourselves and the ones we love now and in the future. Our survival is reliant on it. That’s why Anthony William wrote Life-Changing Foods. 

Anthony William’s second book, Medical Medium Life-Changing Foods delves deeper into the healing power of over 50 fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices, and wild foods that can have an extraordinary effect on health. Anthony explains each food’s properties, the symptoms and conditions it can help relieve or heal, and the emotional and spiritual benefits it brings. And he offers delicious recipes to help you enjoy each food’s maximum benefit, from sweet potatoes with braised cabbage stuffing to honey-coconut ice cream. You’ll discover: Why wild blueberries are the ‘resurrection food’, asparagus is the fountain of youth, and lemons can lift your spirits when you’ve had bad news. The best foods to eat to relieve gallstones, hypertension, brain fog, thyroid issues, migraines, and hundreds more symptoms and conditions. The particular healing powers of kiwis, cucumbers, cat’s claw, coconut, and much more. Insight into cravings, how to use stress to your advantage, and the key role fruit plays in fertility. Much of Anthony’s information is dramatically different from the conventional wisdom of medical communities, so don’t expect to hear the same old food facts rehashed here. Instead, expect to get a whole new understanding of why oranges offer more than just vitamin C, and a powerful set of tools for healing from illness and keeping yourself and your loved ones safe and well.

Life-Changing Foods is not your regular fruits and vegetables book, or even a regular health book. You will be given a powerful set of tools for healing from illness and keeping yourself and your loved ones well in the challenging times we live in. 

Here’s just some of what you’ll learn in Life-Changing Foods:

  • Why we’re facing an extreme amount of chronic illness and stress in our world today 
  • The four major factors that have ravaged our bodies, made us question our sanity, and pushed our society to breaking point
  • The liquid gold resource we must learn how to preserve
  • How stress and your purpose are closely tied
  • Life-enhancing food rituals and how to interpret cravings
  • How to fight illness with secrets about more than 50 of the most powerfully healing foods on earth
  • The physical, emotional, and spiritual health benefits of over 50 foods, the large majority of which has never been shared before
  • 50 delicious, healing recipes that showcase ideas of how to prepare meals with over 50 foods, including beautiful, full color photography
  • The life-changing Angels who are here to support you and your loved ones in getting the tools you need to protect your health, and how to connect with them
  • And much more…


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Across age groups and the globe, more and more people are hearing that their thyroids are to blame for their fatigue, weight gain, memory issues, aches and pains, insomnia, and more. Yet despite the medical attention brought to this condition, people aren’t healing. Labelling someone with ‘Hashimoto’s’, ‘hypothyroidism’ or the like has not healed the myriad health issues that a person experiences. That’s because there’s a pivotal truth that goes unnoticed: a thyroid problem is not the ultimate reason for a person’s illness. A problematic thyroid is a symptom of something much larger. It’s something invasive that’s responsible for the laundry list of symptoms attributed to thyroid disease. In his latest book, Medical Medium Thyroid Healing, Anthony William reveals an entirely new take on the epidemic of thyroid illness. He explains in detail what the source problem really is, including what’s going on with inflammation and autoimmune disease, then offers a life-changing toolkit to rescue the thyroid and bring readers back to health and vitality.

In Thyroid Healing book, Anthony William reveal an entirely new take on the epidemic of thyroid illness, empowering you to become your own thyroid expert and explain in detail what the source problem really is, including what’s going on with inflammation and autoimmune disease.

A little of what you’ll discover in Thyroid Healing…

  • The sneaky underlying cause of 95% of thyroid illnesses and many other mystery illnesses
  • The 22 factors that may have triggered your symptoms and conditions to worsen
  • The unknown true function of the thyroid and its undiscovered hormones
  • An exact explanation for what causes 88 common conditions and symptoms that you and your loved ones may be suffering with, all of which are mysteries to medical and alternative science
  • What breast cancer and many other cancers have in common with thyroid conditions
  • The truth about thyroid medicine and tests and what you can do about it
  • What you can do if you’ve lost your thyroid from surgery or it’s been damaged physically
  • The role of genetics, inflammation, metabolism, and the power of your thoughts in illness
  • The fads, trends and foods to avoid to protect your health
  • When it’s healthy to eat before bed—and feel better for it
  • How to maximize your sacred sleep window and why nightmares are a good sign.
  • The 90 Thyroid Rehab plan to help you win the battle against thyroid illness and disease and so many of the conditions and symptoms associated with it, including recipes with color photography


In this book, he also offered you a life-changing toolkit including a 90-Day Thyroid Rehab plan to restore your thyroid and bring you back to health and vitality with different options to fit individual needs, resources and schedules. You will receive simple but powerful tools and instructions for healing your liver, lymphatic system, and gut, how to detoxify heavy metals, and cleanse and heal your thyroid. It’s an approach unlike any other, one that is undiscovered by medical science and research, and is unmatched in its healing potential. Prepare to take back control of your heath!


He shared the exact cause of 88 conditions and symptoms that are plaguing people today and how they develop. These problems are still a complete mystery to medical communities and include thyroid conditions like: hypothyroidism – hyperthyroidism – Graves’ disease – enlarged thyroid – thyroid nodules – cysts and tumors – breast cancer – Raynaud’s disease – cystic fibrosis – mystery weight gain and loss – miscarriage – edema – irritability – depression – anxiety – restless legs – high cholesterol – swollen tongue – tingles and numbness – infertility – brittle nails, dry skin – loss of libido, blurry vision – fibromyalgia – MTHFR gene mutation – eczema and psoriasis – sarcoidosis – Cushing’s syndrome – plantar fascitis, and more…


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“How many times have you seen something unfold that you knew could have gone differently if only others knew what you’d learned in life? For my whole life, I’ve watched the decades roll by while medical communities move along with steps and missteps trying to figure out why people suffer. I’ve witnessed them almost stumble upon the answers to what causes chronic illness, then never quite pull through and succeed.  My job is to deliver the answers to you.  Are you ready to receive them?” – Anthony William

With compassion, Anthony William shares unparalleled insights into undiscovered functions of our life-saving livers, explains what’s behind dozens of health issues that hold us back, and offers detailed guidance on how to move forward so we can live our best lives.


Find out for yourself what liver rescue is all about:

  • Being clearer-headed, more peaceful, happier, and better able to adapt to our fast-changing times.
  • Learn how to sleep well, balance blood sugar, lower blood pressure, lose weight, and look and feel younger.

A healthy liver is the ultimate de-stressor, anti-aging ally, and safeguard against a threatening world—if we give it the right support.

In this book, he shared:
  • Our Liver’s True Calling: Miracle Peacekeeper
  • What Your Liver Does for You
  • Our Adaptogenic Liver: Processing Fat and Protecting the Pancreas
  • Our Life-Giving Liver: Glucose and Glycogen Storage
  • Our Medicinal Liver: Vitamin and Mineral Storage
  • Our Protective Liver: Disarming and Detaining Harmful Materials
  • Our Purifying Liver: Screening and Filtering Blood
  • Our Heroic Liver: The Liver’s Immune System
  • Sluggish Liver
  • Liver Enzyme Guess Tests
  • Dirty Blood Syndrome
  • Fatty Liver
  • Weight Gain
  • Mystery Hunger
  • Aging
  • Diabetes and Blood Sugar Imbalance
  • Mystery High Blood Pressure
  • Mystery High Cholesterol
  • Mystery Heart Palpitations
  • Adrenal Problems
  • Chemical and Food Sensitivities
  • Methylation Problems
  • Eczema and Psoriasis
  • Acne
  • SIBO
  • Bloating, Constipation, and IBS
  • Brain Fog
  • Emotional Liver: Mood Struggles and SAD
  • PANDAS, Jaundice, and Baby Liver
  • Autoimmune Liver and Hepatitis
  • Cirrhosis and Liver Scar Tissue
  • Liver Cancer
  • Gallbladder Sickness
  • Liver Myths Debunked
  • The High-Fat Trend
  • Liver Troublemakers
  • Powerful Foods, Herbs, and Supplements for Your Liver
  • Liver Rescue 3:6:9
  • Liver Rescue Recipes
  • Liver Rescue Meditations
  • The Storm Will Pass: Peace Be with You


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In Celery Juice book – The Most Powerful Medicine of Our Time Healing Millions Worldwide, Anthony William, the originator of the global celery juice movement, introduces you to celery juice’s incredible ability to create sweeping improvements on every level of our health:

  • Healing the gut and relieving digestive disorders
  • Providing the brain with critical electrolyte support to counter disease
  • Balancing blood sugar, blood pressure, weight, and adrenal function
  • Neutralizing and flushing toxins from the liver and brain
  • Restoring health in people who suffer from a vast range of chronic and mystery illnesses and symptoms, among them fatigue, brain fog, acne, eczema, addiction, ADHD, thyroid disorders, diabetes, SIBO, eating disorders, autoimmune disorders, Lyme disease, and eye problems


After revealing exactly how celery juice does its anti-inflammatory, alkalizing, life-changing work to provide these benefits and many more, he gives you the powerful, definitive guidelines to do your own celery juice cleanse correctly and successfully.

You’ll get instructions on how to make the juice, how much to drink, when to drink it, and what to expect as your body begins to detox.

From the original source, here is everything you need to know to receive the full gift of what Anthony calls “one of the greatest healing tonics of all time.”


Plus, you’ll find answers to FAQs such as:

  • “Is it safe to drink celery juice while pregnant or breastfeeding?”
  • “Is blending better than juicing?”
  • “Can I take my medications with it?”
  • Why celery juice can heal or help all kinds of chronic symptoms.


Find Relief From: Acid reflux – Acne – Alzheimer’s & dementia – Anxiety – Autoimmune disease – Bloating – Brain fog – Cancer – Constipation – Depression – Dermatitis – Diabetes –  Diverticulitis –  Dry, cracked skin – Eating disorders – Eczema – Edema & Swelling – Eye problems – Fatigue – Fibroids – Fibromylagia – Gallstones – Headaches & Migraines – Heart Palpitations – High Blood Pressure – Joint pain – Lupus – Lyme Disease – ME/CFS – Mythelations issues – Mood swings – Multiple sclerosis – PCOS – Psoriasis – Rheumatoid & Psoriasis Arthritis – Rosacea – SIBO – Sinusitis – sleep problems – Thyroid conditions – Tingles & Numbness – Tinnitus – UTI & bladder infections – Vertigo – Vitiligo – Weight problems


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Anthony William, the Medical Medium, has placed a vast wealth of insight and information into a one-stop resource for cleansing of all kinds, starting with his acclaimed nine-day 3:6:9 Cleanse and expanding into life-saving protocols for specific health needs—including three versions of the 3:6:9 Cleanse, an anti-bug cleanse, a morning cleanse, and a heavy metal detox.

In Cleanse to Heal book, you will discover:

  • How to choose the cleanse that’s right for you
  • A deep dive into the causes of your symptoms and conditions
  • Critical cleanse dos and don’ts, including modifications and substitutions
  • The truth about trendy topics such as intermittent fasting and the microbiome
  • A guide to supplements you may choose to add to your cleanse
  • The physical reasons why cleansing can be an emotional experience
  • More than 75 recipes and sample menus to get you through your Medical Medium cleanse
  • Spiritual and soul support to remind you that healing is possible
  • In-depth look into troublemaker foods and toxins
  • Supplement suggestions and dosages for almost 200 symptoms and conditions
  • Secrets about topics such as adrenaline and viral cleansing, and toxic heavy metals

“The cleanses in this book speak to what’s truly going wrong inside of our bodies that no trendy lifestyle approach can ever address,” Anthony writes. “Have compassion for yourself and know that your suffering is not your fault. Your struggles are not your fault. You’re accomplishing great things every single hour and day as you work on your healing process with the powerful tools in this book. I believe you can heal.”

Discover The Steps To Heal

Find out the true causes of almost 200 symptoms and conditions and the steps to take so you can finally heal. You’ll also receive supplement suggestions and dosages for each of these symptoms and conditions, including: Acne – Addiction – Adrenal Problems – Aging – Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementia, and Memory Issues – Anxiety – Autoimmune Disorders and Diseases – Bloating – Brain Fog – Burnout – Cancer – Cold and Flu – Conjunctivitis – Constant Mystery Hunger and Overeating – Constipation – Depression – Diarrhea – Diverticulitis – Ear Infections – Eating disorders such as Anorexia and Bulimia – Eczema, Psoriasis, and other skin conditions – Endometriosis – Eye Floaters – Fatigue – Fibroids – Fibromyalgia – Glaucoma – Guilt and Sadness – Hair Thinning and Loss – Headaches and Migraines – Heart Palpitations – Herpes Simplex – High Blood Pressure – High Cholesterol – Hormonal Problems – Human Papillomavirus – Infertility – Inflammation – Insomnia – Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) – Joint Pain – Lyme Disease – Menopause Symptoms – Mononucleosis – Multiple Sclerosis (MS) – Neurological Symptoms – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) – Overactive Bladder – Parkinson’s – Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) – Shingles – Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) – Sinus Infections – Strep Throat – Thyroid Conditions – Tumors and Cysts – Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) – Vertigo – Weight Gain

YOU are not the problem

With the advanced state of brain research today, it’s easy to think that we’re arming ourselves with knowledge about how best to care for our precious minds and brains. Are we? 

Or is the prevalence of brain issues a sign that even with mindfulness, neuroscience, and “brain foods,” we’re still all too vulnerable? Discover the true causes of over 100 brain- and nervous system–related symptoms, diseases, and disorders in Brain Saver.

Burnout, deficiencies, panic attacks, vagus nerve problems, mental health struggles, neurological symptoms, and beyond—as you try countless directions in search of lasting relief, it’s easy to find yourself lost and stranded, wondering what you did wrong to deserve this fate. 

Answer: you’re not the problem.


Medical Medium Brain Saver reveals:

  • What it means to have a static brain, an alloy brain, a viral brain, an emotional brain, inflamed cranial nerves, an addicted brain, an acid brain, and a burnt out, deficient brain—and what you can do about it
  • The true causes of over 100 brain- and nervous system–related symptoms, diseases, and disorders
  • In-depth insight into the unknown reasons for the epidemic of mental, emotional, and neurological suffering—from everyday struggles with focus, concentration, and mood to life-altering diagnoses such as ALS, Parkinson’s, and long-haul COVID
  • A way through the confusion and fear of not knowing why we lose ourselves and each other
  • Lasting wisdom about what’s going on in our world and our bodies

Best of all:

Brain Saver offers a way forward with specialized techniques to restore stability to your brain and nervous system and harmony to your life. 

On top of a fresh perspective on how to supply your brain with healing nutrients, you’ll find cleanse protocols, guidelines for detoxing from heavy metal exposure, and recipes for all-new Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy—quick hits of medicinals in liquid form, in combinations of ingredients designed to bring instant relief when the brain is under particular stress.


Change the game:

If we really understood what was wrong with our brains and what caused our conditions related to the brain, and realized how many of our chronic symptoms and conditions were actually related to the brain, the game would change.

It would no longer be “Take this for your brain.” It would be “Your neurons that are damaged by toxic heavy metals, caffeine, solvents, fragrances, perfumes, colognes, air fresheners, scented candles, MSG, DDT, petrochemicals, radiation, and plastic, to name a few, could really use this so they can cleanse, restore, revitalize, and store up reserves.”

Extraordinary Healing Information:

Discover why millions rely on the #1 New York Times best-selling Medical Medium for health answers to Alzheimer’s, dementia, ADHD, autism, anxiety, depression, OCD, posttraumatic stress symptoms, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, addiction, strokes, seizures, brain fog, fatigue, and more that they just can’t find anywhere else.

Find out the true causes of almost 200 symptoms and conditions and the steps to take so you can finally heal.

You’ll also receive supplement suggestions and dosages for each of these symptoms and conditions, including:

  • ADHD
  • ALS
  • ME/CFS
  • OCD
  • POTS
  • PTSD


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Practical Steps for Healing

In Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes, Anthony William, the Medical Medium, provides compassionate, life-altering guidance to help you heal from a vast range of brain and neurological symptoms, diseases, and disorders, including :

  • OCD
  • ALS

In Medical Medium Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses and Recipes you will learn:

  • Details on everyday foods, supplements, and additives that are putting your brain at risk
  • What it means to have a static brain, an alloy brain, a viral brain, an emotional brain, inflamed cranial nerves, an addicted brain, an acid brain, and a burnt out, deficient brain—and what you can do about it
  • A guide to the supplements that will support your healing—and how to use them for over 300 symptoms and conditions, with dosages included
  • More than 100 recipes for delicious foods custom-created to support brain health
  • Profoundly effective brain meditations and other healing techniques
  • Cleanse protocols, heavy metal detox guidelines, and recipes for all-new Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy—quick hits of medicinals in liquid form, designed to bring instant relief when the brain is under particular stress