Brain fog, its true causes, and how to heal are revealed in this episode. I debunk the current theories of what is believed to be the causes of brain fog. Learn about the different levels and variations of brain fog, from mild to extreme, and how difficult they can be. With this information, you will be able to relate and identify with the kind of brain fog you have.
You will learn about toxic heavy metals and viruses in the body, and how they play a role in brain fog. I reveal triggers for brain fog and the stress they can put on the brain, body, and immune system.
Find out what happens when we have toxic heavy metals in the brain and how this can result in potential memory issues. Is your diet worsening your brain fog? Learn what foods are best to remove from your diet if you suffer from brain fog. I talk about caffeine and the effect it can have on your brain fog. I share important healing tools that can assist your body in removing toxins and viruses, feed and support your brain, and help you heal from brain fog.
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