Going down the mold path is not easy for anyone. It requires a certain mindset to be able to live your life and at the same time, live with the mold around you. How do you battle an invisible invader that instills so much fear in people, and can worsen health symptoms and conditions? The mold today is not the same mold of yesterday, the mold today is much stronger than mold ever was in our history. This mold runs on a frequency, emf, radio signals, and energy emitting from power plants; it thrives on technology and has adapted and lives by this power. Mold can trigger someone who is seemingly healthy and has had no health problems before but can especially trigger someone who is already struggling with an existing health symptom or condition. We don’t always have full control over our environment or surroundings, but there are ways to fight against mold exposure while living with the mold itself. In this episode, learn how mold can be a trigger for many health symptoms and conditions, including tingles, numbness, dizziness, ringing in the ears, eczema, psoriasis, body pain, migraines, acne, Hashimotos, anxiety, depression, heart palpitations, brain fog, Lyme disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, multiple sclerosis (MS), UTIs, sinus infections, bladder infections, sore throats, and more. I reveal how the immune system goes after mold spores in the bloodstream and what healing tools to incorporate to help rebuild the immune system and defend yourself from mold sickness.
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